Tuesday, November 30, 2010

The Taste of Sound

            Music is one of the most artistic forms of expression. Millions make a living for producing an array of different types, yet I think a good amount of them would do so for no compensation. However, those who produce the music are not the only ones who benefit from its creation. Music is a way of life and it affects all different types of community of people. It comes in all different shapes and sizes. There is music that screams at you, music that rhymes, music that rocks, and even music that consists of noises and says nothing at all. Whatever you may prefer there is music of all types and something, it apperars, everyone enjoys.
            Listening to a certain type of music can set the tone for a whole day or even an entire season. When Christmas comes around, doesn’t everyone seem a little more cheery? Don’t people walk around with little more pep in their step? In my opinion that is the way it appears. Whether it is from just simply the spirit of the season or people’s love of Christmas, I believe a vibe of happiness is generated through the sounds of Christmas music and affect people at that time of the year. Music, in general, can have this type of affect no matter the time.
            Try setting your alarm tomorrow morning to a radio station or song that you love to hear. You might be surprised how well a day can play out when you start in an up-tempo mood.

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