Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Light Can Be found Through Forgiveness

Forgiveness can go a long way. It can save relationships and then build upon them in turn. In Marc Dunn’s post on the AA Blog he even goes to say that research has shown it to create a healthier lifestyle for both the one forgiven and the one forgiving. It can decrease blood pressure, progress cardiovascular health, and toughen the immune system. In addition, it has been shown that those who forgive others are also found to be less depressive. However, one should not simply forgive people to be healthier, it is a way to show compassion and genuine care towards another person. In my experience, I have learned that the stubborn never forgive nor forget. The ignorant forgive and forget; however, the wise forgive but never forget. Learn from your experiences. Grow to be the best you can.

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