Tuesday, November 30, 2010

In the Eye of the Beholder

The appearance of a website has the ability to set the tone for all judgments passed upon it, good or bad. When you pull up a website and immediately you are slapped with bright ferocious colors and ads pop up telling you that you have won something does it not affect you opinion of the page for the rest of its use? I know that is the case for me. However, websites also have the ability to evoke the opposite effect and sooth readers for them to enjoy their experience. This type of website is demonstrated excellently on the AA Blog. On first view, the person visiting the site can find calming colors of blue and white along with nurturing pictures of clouds. This design for a website is brilliant if the purpose, as is the goal of the AA Blog, is to entice viewers to remain on the sight and see what it has to offer. In the case of my blog, I set a lively tone that I intend to not be offensive, but still lighten the mood and allow the reader to get a sense of my personality through the design.
Appearance of things can be analyzed and broken down into a much deeper meaning than the first perception taken. Keep this in mind if you ever design something for a specific audience. It could go a long way.

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