Friday, December 3, 2010

Reflecting Back

          When this project first began I had no idea what to make of it. I had never read a blog seriously or even entertained the idea of it. My use of the internet was often very limited and non-resourceful; however, once I understood how we were supposed to carry out the project I began trekking much deeper into its depths and discovered all the brilliant assets it had to offer and affected my overall experience with this project.
            When researching for a genre of blog, I stumble upon the idea of blogs that assisted those in dire need of help and one topic that always concerned me. Alcohol is a major problem in the United States and I found that there were blogs available to aid those who struggle with it. One in particular was the AA Blog and all of its assets.
            By analyzing the AA Blog, I discovered how to break down the properties of blogs and similar things and find the deeper meaning. I was able to look at each of the simple actions that the blog demonstrated and find the reasoning for the action and the interpretation it could have on the audience. This opened up my mind to how many little details can make up one large actions and what it entails.
            By assigning a project of this sort it forced me to break from my usual trends and open up to a larger world of struggles aside from mine and those closest to me. It allowed me to understand that no matter the crisis someone may be going through, help can be found in unexpected place. The project as a whole was entirely beneficial to anyone who took it serious and carried it out in a rightful manner. For me to realize how deep you can dig into and analyze things will better me as a student and person in my years to come.

-John Fagel

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